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UNIVERSE | Evolution today?
FAQ - 60 questions about life
… There exist a number of remarkable variances in our solar system. According to a Russian study (Dr. Dmitriev, Academy of Science, Novosibirsk, UN no. 358, March/April 2002) more conspicuous changes within our solar system take place more often. Similar statements come from other scientists also, like Dr. Mike Lockwood, Rutherford Appleton National Laboratories, USA. The Russian Academy of Science in Novosibirsk came to the conclusion that the possible cause for these energetic changes within the solar system might be due to a high frequency energy zone that increasingly merges with our solar system. Is there something to this?
We are dealing with energetic IMPULSES and they have amplified over the last decades. The cause lies in the fact that the whole cosmic determination in your sector of space had to change due to the Earth’s vibrations. The Earth has adopted a different LEVEL of VIBRATIONS from 20,000 years ago. Remember that planet Earth is a living entity, one that accumulates and also emits divine ENERGIES. Due to the changes to the IMPULSE EMISSIONS, the environment around the Earth also changes. Remember that individual planets are connected to one another through this divine line. Remember that every planet is a living being, they harbour ENERGIES that are emitted and this maintains the contact with one another. Based on this change that acts like a chain reaction, INFORMATION will be disseminated differently and the energetic CONNECTION is changed and disturbed. …
The study states further: The magnetic fields of all the planets seem to change. The magnetic field of the giant planet Jupiter is supposed to have magnified; this also applies to the magnetic fields of Uranus and Neptune. Actually, all the planets seemed to shine brighter, because their atmospheric properties change. What can you tell us about this?
This is an old law, namely that if one element changes, this change will also affect all the others. The planets are willing to abide by the new LEGALITIES they are exposed to. This represents a complete overhaul of your solar system, because the connections between the planets are subject to different INFORMATION.
Planet Jupiter is supposed to have received such a high energetic charge that a visible conduit of ionised radiation developed between the moon Jo and this gigantic planet. One is supposed to be able to see this “energy conduit” on photos that have recently been taken. What is the meaning of this and what are its consequences?
The consequences are that one of these days you will be ready to utilise and positively exploit such ENERGY on Earth also. Remember that you live in an age where an upheaval into a completely different dimension is taking place. All of us hope that your mental PLANE will catch up to a degree that you will be prepared to recognise this ETHEREALITY. The planets are getting ready for this new age and this new LEVEL of CONSCIOUSNESS. Remember that the planets are living beings, that is to say, divine ENERGIES with the assignment to support you as human souls.
From the protocol [Universe and extraterrestrial life] – page 62 - 64 |
The magnetic field of the sun is supposed to have magnified about 230 percent since 1901. The maximum of solar activity, the so-called 11 year cycle, also lasts much longer. This wasn’t something that was observed decades ago. I could also ascertain an increase in anomalies within the world wide short wave radio signals only recently. What is happening here?
This has to do with the fact that you continue with the destruction of a living being that serves the purpose of accommodating you. It has to do with the fact that you consciously destroy a divine CREATURE and that you force it to defend and to protect itself from the inside. The destruction you inflict upon your planet has an effect throughout the universe. This changes the whole cosmic reaction and also your own cycle here on Earth. The progressing destruction of your own planet brings with it a constant destruction of the interconnected ENERGY CHAIN within the zone of your universe and your solar system.
From the protocol [Universe and extraterrestrial life] – page 66 |
The sun’s energy has also changed. You can feel this here on this planet, namely that a high FREQUENCY of LIGHT exists here on Earth because the protective shield no longer functions the way it did hundreds of years ago. This LIGHT INFLECTION is intense and directed at your planet. This gives the sun a different penetrability and this in turn changes the interrelationship between your sun and the solar system.
Reading this report one is reminded of the stories about the “photon belt” our solar system is supposed to have immersed in. Planet “Nibiru”, who is supposed to bring about changes, also got a mention. Do these reports deal with the same thing?
The fact is that these reports certainly contain one basic idea and it serves the purpose of creating the opportunity for you here on Earth to make you realise how the whole solar system is intertwined in its connection with other galaxies and with ANGELIC BEINGS from the spiritual realm. One FORCE of DESTRUCTION is given, namely the fall of the ANGELS to begin with and the fact that you are also dealing with negative ENERGIES here on Earth. The negative FORCE of DESTRUCTION certainly exists! We cannot tell you how all of this will turn out at this point in time.
From the protocol [Universe and extraterrestrial life] – page 65 - 66 |
One assumes that the real, but hidden reasons of an observed, spontaneous development in the distant past here on Earth can be blamed on a change within the DNA double-helix. The harmony within today’s DNA double-helix is also supposed to undergo changes. Will an evolutionary leap forward be the result of this?
Changes within your DNA have led to various evolutionary processes in the past and it changed your whole structure. Your DNA will also be changed and reconfigured in the future. The New Age and the changes within your consciousness will bring about changes to connections and their associated carriers of information and when you have reached this level of consciousness, you will be able to acquire ETHEREALITY and the necessary insight to progress in your further development.
From the protocol [Universe and extraterrestrial life] – page 66 |
… Everything begins to vibrate at a higher FREQUENCY and the only way to absorb this ENERGY and to deal with it without devastating results is conscious mindfulness and mutual endeavour. …
There is no doubt that you, like the rest of your solar system, your galaxy and your universe, are heading towards the next LEVEL. …
[For mankind on this Earth] – page 10 |