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DEATH | Death through suicide?
FAQ - 60 questions about life
What are your thoughts on suicide?
I cannot advice any soul to behave in a manner that makes things worse rather than better. You cannot put an end to your existence on this Earth by doing away with yourself. If you do it, you will have to pay the full price for it! This is a natural LAW.
There can’t be anyone in your world whose scales of life are so unevenly balanced, that they haven’t got the energy to overcome the obstacles encountered on the way. I will go as far as saying that the obstacles encountered are absolutely necessary for the development of their character and spirit! These obstacles are not lessened because you try to put an end to your earthly existence. This is impossible, because it’s against the LAW.
There is no escape from divine JUSTICE in your world or my world. JUSTICE is unalterable and its JUDGEMENT reaches everyone according to their mental advancement.
It is astonishing just how many young people commit suicide. What are the reasons for this?
First of all is the fact that these people have no KNOWLEDGE of a life after death, after disembodiment. It represents a flight from life, because they want to return to where they allegedly come from. They believe that it is a return to nothingness; but herein lays the mistake, because they do return to where they actually come from, namely the SPIRITUAL REALM!
It is certainly very negative if they announce the suicide to force an issue or to threaten with it. The waking up in the hereafter is a shock. Suicide is also governed by the LAW of CAUSE and EFFECT. The motive plays a very large part. -
Church religions threaten with a hell nobody believed in. If the Churches would portrait hell better and more truthfully, the rate of suicide would diminish. Any help is in vain as long as this isn’t happening.
From the protocol [Death sets no limits] – page 41 - 42, 45 |
What are the most common motives for suicide?
The motives are misjudged by you most of the time. Most commonly hatred and revenge play a big part. The way the suicide took place can be drawn from this. Let’s take the following example: A young gentleman finds himself duped and cheated by his deeply beloved. Conciliation doesn’t come about. Now the negative gains the upper hand. The concerned party plots revenge and in his biased negativity comes to the conclusion that by killing himself in a ghastly manner he can chastise his loveless girlfriend. She is supposed to remember his death for the rest of her life, because, in his opinion, she is to blame for it in the first place. He rejects the blame for his suicide and transfers it to someone else. The motive becomes very apparent here. - But we haven’t come across one situation on Earth where one has judged in such a way.
There are naturally other cases. But in all of these situations ignorance and denial of faith play a big part. The perpetrators of suicide are of the opinion - like the majority of people - that death extinguishes one’s consciousness. But the exact opposite is the case. The personal consciousness of every individual gains quite an impetus their disembodiment.
Many people enter the spiritual realm on a daily basis due to suicide. All of them are regrettable. Most of them are the victims of ignorance. Even the Churches are not able to correctly explain to these people what awaits them. And if someone endeavours to give these warnings, he’s not even in a position to lend his expositions the necessary credibility.
Nobody can escape it!
From the protocol [Death sets no limits] – page 43 |
In spite of this, there are many people with the opinion that they can escape an uncomfortable situation by taking their own life.
It is a grave error to believe that one can escape one’s earthly woes by disembodying oneself, by killing.
When I talk about suffering, I don’t mean all the many illnesses that most times originate from the negative regions or are self-inflicted, but about the suffering that moves a soul when it suffers the loss of its nearest and dearest for instance.
But as people love possessions, power and fame the most and have to leave these things behind, their mental anguish is accordingly large. But this suffering can certainly be avoided!
From the protocol [Death sets no limits] – page 43 - 44 |
Man on Earth cannot fathom why some people have to suffer who seemingly do not deserve to suffer.
This is an aberration!
Only the guardians in the spiritual realm know what individuals lack in regards to their inner development. They alone are in a position to make a judgment.
An even greater mistake is the belief that one can escape from terrestrial suffering by taking one’s own life. These particular people find that, due to their ignorance, they are experiencing suffering more than ever. Most of them are misled by a dogmatic, religious aberration. The church teaches that after one dies, one will “rest in peace”. He, who needs to “rest in peace”, will not wait until his natural demise. He causes his own death. The result of this is unimaginable suffering in another dimension. Due to the fact that feelings and senses are a lot more pronounced in the otherworldly dimension, the suffering experienced there is accordingly also greater! This is where the Christian doctrines fail miserably!
From the protocol [Illnesses and psychic healing] – page 2 - 3 |
People can never safe themselves from desperate situations through suicide. They would recoil from doing something that drastic, if they knew that life goes on in the spiritual realm. Man can only regress to lower levels through suicide, but never to higher ones, even if they present a thousand of excuses.
From the protocol [Death sets no limits] – page 46 |
The fatal flaw is that the knowledge about reincarnation has not just been crossed out of Church doctrine, but also completely from common consciousness, completely also from the spiritual life of the occident.
One recognises how senseless suicide is!
“After me the biblical flood”, many say without anticipating, that all they create and will create, will follow them, then every action has a reaction.
From the protocol [Reincarnation] – page 74 - 75 |
From the protocol [Death sets no limits] – page 45 |
Are there cases where suicide has effected an improvement?
No, never, because no soul advances by extinguishing it earthly existence. In spite of that it doesn’t automatically follow that every perpetrator of suicide is banished for eternity to the darkest of the dark spheres.
Dare I say that in most cases it could be called a way out for cowards? It is something else in the case of the possessed, but these cases represent a minority!
Instead of looking one’s responsibilities square in the eyes, one grasps for a means that seems an easy way out of one’s difficulties. One is of the opinion that one can hide one’s problems with darkness. But consciousness is an immortal factor here.
From the protocol [Death sets no limits] – page 42 |
What induces these souls to commit such an act anyway?
Absolute ignorance - and the result is the deed. No matter what happens, if people were aware of the reasons, no storm in their existence would be severe enough to drive these people to commit suicide.
It is often worries and desperation that drives them.
No, my friend. Desperation depends on its intensity. If someone does not know anything about the meaning of life, the intensity of their desperation is greater -, so great in fact that it will trigger the act of suicide. If one’s faith and the trust in the CREATOR were great enough, depression would not rear its ugly head, because it would never get to that point in the first place.
From the protocol [The greatest mistakes in regards to death] – page 11 |
Suicide is a grave sin against life and therefore against the CREATOR. How does the spiritual realm assess a suicide that is committed during a depressing phase? Is such a suicide regarded with more benevolence than other types of suicide?
Every individual case is scrutinised very carefully. Suicide committed during a depressive phase has a different connotation than a suicide committed in order to escape one’s responsibilities. In a case like this, the soul is already insecure and afraid within its temple. The soul is devastated by the nourishment it received here on Earth. Such a suicide receives a different assessment than others.
From the protocol [Psychic (mental) illnesses] – page 6 |
Does suicide become impossible, if a suicidal person manages to ask a good psychotherapist for advice?
It would be preventable and the soul would gather from this that it was all a fallacy. - It does not necessarily have to be a psychotherapist. What is important is that these souls are offered a rocky outcrop amongst all that raging surf around them, giving them something they can hang onto and relax. These souls need protection and a feeling of acceptance. Only through patience, humility, brotherhood, brotherly love and acceptance can these souls be released from their darkness.
From the protocol [Psychic (mental) illnesses] – page 6 |
But psychosomatic illnesses add to the difficulties of one’s earthly redeeming process and they make it even more difficult to find one’s way back to GOD. Is there any compensation for this?
Such a soul will recognise that it also has to go its own way. Either way. It will comprehend that the only passable way leads the way to GOD. These souls possess a remarkable sensibility and they receive special PROTECTION, because they reject the redeeming planet Earth from within.
From the protocol [Psychic (mental) illnesses] – page 6 |
The number of suicides has alarmingly increased. How do you judge this situation?
In spite of what they think, they still carry full responsibility for everything, even if they believe that they can simply discard everything by taking their own life. One’s guilt hasn’t changed one little bit, but one’s suicide now comes on top of it all!
We are basically dealing with cowardice in regards to responsibility most of the time and not, as generally assumed, with the courage to relinquish a life. Cowardice creates a net around them. A door slams shut; a door was locked. But sometimes it takes an awful long time until this door opens up again.
What was the motive for this action? - Was it an escape from an awkward situation? If this was the case, it wasn’t an escape at all! There are only a few cases where someone wishes to do away with themselves; they see this as the only solution and it isn’t done with self-interest in mind, but with disinterestedness, even if it is misguided. Nevertheless, it does make the difference.
From the protocol [Death sets no limits] – page 45 |
Many people find themselves in situations they believe they just can’t overcome; they despair and take their own life. What can you tell us about these cases?
Disbelieve leads to uncertainty and those that do away with their own life do not realise that they cannot escape the consequences of their actions. Most of the time these people go from bad to worse.
I for instance learned to respect the PERFECTION of natural LAW. My devoted, steadfast trust lies within the POWER that formed the whole universe, determines its course, predestines its development and controls every phase of its activity.
I have never come across a situation where the natural law has failed or where it was unjust or inaccurate. I have never seen divine JUSTICE err. Based on what I have seen I can tell you that an inducement to take such steps can never present itself.
From the protocol [Death sets no limits] – page 44 |
There are situations where people cannot cope with their pain and where they wish to be dead, no matter whether we’re dealing with physical or mental pain.
You are mistaken! - When pain becomes unbearable people either faint or they die. The border of what one can endure can never be crossed. People that enter the spiritual realm affected like that will be brought to a SPHERE of CONVALESCENCE where they will be healed.
I’m attempting to explain the uncomplicated TRUTHS of this LAW. Once you’re equipped with these simple TRUTHS, you can put up with everything quite sedately.
From the protocol [Death sets no limits] – page 44 |
Is it true that somebody commits suicide because his nervous system is completely done in, so that his will to continue with life is lacking? Everything would have to be okay in the spiritual world because he has not physical nervous system there.
I will express myself very carefully here, because I do not wish for you to get the impression that I sympathises with perpetrators of suicide or that I give those considering such a step the slightest encouragement in that respect. My answer purely applies to your question whether a nervous system breakdown leads quite often to the denial of one’s responsibilities. If the individual in question had expressed the following in one of the preceding stages: “I have done wrong and I take full responsibility. - I’m prepared to accept any punishment that can befall a person and I will make no attempts to escape such a punishment. - I will fulfil my obligations…”. If he would express himself in such a way, his problems would be solved before they arise.
But the individual believes to gain time and that might just be the point that will conjure up even more difficulties. Instead of clearing these difficulties away, the nerves begin to fail and the spirit loses its resilience. This results in such nervousness that he hardly knows what he’s doing. This doesn’t just apply to single individuals, but in a superlative way, that is to say, to the behaviour of whole nations. One should not give up that easily.
From the protocol [Death sets no limits] – page 43 |
What are the soul’s feelings after it has terminated its life here on Earth through suicide and who helps it on spiritual SIDE so it can find its feet in the spiritual realm?
The ensuing hard training will have the result that such a human soul as an entirety, that is to say, with all its mental components, will be called upon to absolve a new incarnation in a different earthly body. This will not be a pleasant experience and it usually takes place somewhere very close to where he committed this crime. No, choosing to commit suicide is definitely not an escape. Most people are of the opinion that all their problems will be solved, but once in the spiritual world, the resulting problems are multiplied a great deal.
The redemption of the soul may not be preceded by suicide. Man will only be redeemed if everything happens as GOD, the LORD has ordained and not the way you want to. Generally speaking, people do not believe that they have an ASSIGNMENT here on Earth and because they do not believe it, suicides are committed. The only one that will help the perpetrator of suicide is his GUARDIAN ANGEL, presuming that he will actually be accept as such. After their TRANSITION, many say to their GUARDIAN ANGEL: “I do not know you” and remain attached to the REGIONS close to Earth. Someone that committed suicide could gain some advantage if he had some faith, but if he really had faith, suicide would have been impossible to contemplate. The motive for suicide is always the all deciding factor.
From the protocol [Preparing the soul for transition] – page 13 - 14 |
Are souls penalised if they see no way out and elected to commit suicide?
Punishment will not follow. But various training sessions will be realised in order to heal the things that happened to the soul. Such a soul will repeat its reincarnation once again. …
… The motivation is important when it comes to what the soul will experience in the spiritual realm.
From the protocol [Preparing the soul for transition] – page 9 |
How are souls treated when they arrive on the other side after having committed suicide?
Differently. - To give you a direct answer:
The soul is integrated into a correlating sphere according to its motive. This fact is to be regarded as the greatest sin against GOD, even if the motive is an extremely positive one. There is no excuse for this! - …
From the protocol [The greatest mistakes in regards to death] – page 11 |
But hell in the secular is self-inflicted and causes a lot of mental anguish. Discontentment is the fastest way to acquire such a condition. It can increase to such an extent that people will commit suicide just to get rid of a mental anguish that seems unbearable. But suicide doesn’t release them from this condition. On the contrary - this unhappy state will get even worse and the one that committed suicide finds it now impossible to further do away with himself in his state of disembodiment.
From the protocol [The souls] – page 22 - 23 |
Do victims of suicide find it hard to gain higher KNOWLEDGE in the spheres of the spiritual realm?
Perpetrators of suicide gain positive KNOWLEDGE the fastest, because they recognise straight away that they couldn’t kill themselves. They often try it again (in the spiritual realm) but it is naturally futile, it is without success. But the sin must be atoned!
From the protocol [Death sets no limits] – page 47 |
Every life represents a present from GOD - and only the LORD may take it back. This takes place based on the natural LAWS.
From the protocol [Death sets no limits] – page 47 |
What criteria do you apply to assess a suicide? …
Which suicide do you mean? There is physical suicide, whereby the physical body is relinquished. But there is also spiritual suicide. We are then talking about a “spiritual death”, something the Churches warn about with good reason.
I meant the physical suicide, one’s own decision to end one’s life.
These people select the way they die themselves and they are prepared to do so.
From the protocol [The greatest mistakes in regards to death] – page 10 - 11 |
Christian priests and ministers are very antagonistically inclined towards suicide. They judge these people without asking for their motive. What can the spiritual realm tell us about this?
The spiritual realm is of a completely different opinion. We always ask for the motive of a sin. According to divine LAWS, man is confined to a very particular sphere, one he can’t leave until he belongs to another sphere.
What suicide cases generally lack is the complete understanding of their fellow man. Instead of the condemnation of the Church one should rather give them the advocacy they need, namely a prayer that encourages them and helps them.
Are these prayers of plea really successful?
Yes, certainly, if they are not just mumbled and if the plea is spoken most sincerely. This plea will find a couple of SPIRITS will care for the lost soul.
Do those that commit suicide also reincarnate?
Every soul has the opportunity to search for the path that leads to GOD. Those that commit suicide can also be reprieved. The motives leading to suicide are decisive in the process of assessment. It is a lot worse with those that murder other people. They can get themselves into very difficult situations, yes, even be banished to a completely underdeveloped star. But the instigators of these crimes are also treated in the exact same way.
From the protocol [Death sets no limits] – page 45 - 46 |
May we make an effort to help the soul of a suicide case?
Yes, by not condemning it, but by trying to understand it.
There are those that committed suicide that are now one of the ANGELS, they failed because they were desperate and lonely and were ignorant in regards to faith. Now that their desperation has vanished, they make progress on their path to faith.
From the protocol [Death sets no limits] – page 46 |