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HUMAN BEING | Only once on Earth?
FAQ - 60 questions about life
… Many people do not recognise the true reason for their being here on planet Earth. They are of the opinion that this earthly existence is their one and only life and this is why they try to wield their power and their dogmatic laws over others.
From the protocol [Telepathy] – page 38 |
Most people do not believe in the survival of the soul after death, even though there are millions of indicators and phenomena in this world that should actually convince them otherwise. Man believes that death obliterates all his senses and that he will then no longer be able to perceive anything. …
From the protocol [ Too hot to handle (a hot potato] – page 43 |
… Whatever man does here on Earth, he has always been confronted with transitoriness. This is why his dependable yardstick is always this transitoriness.
From the protocol [ Too hot to handle (a hot potato] – page 43 - 44 |
How can you prove to me that people have an immortal soul?
Let’s assume that you were correct and man actually emerged from an unconscious darkness, from a nothingness onto this Earth, let’s also assume that he never existed before he was born, but that the world existed a long time before he did. Man lives and develops, gathers experiences - and when his development is completed, he dies sooner or later - sometimes without development - and immediately returns to the unconscious darkness, the great nothingness. According to this philosophy, man would be born out of nothingness and lives life with all his senses and with full consciousness.
Thereby this theory proves to be absurd; then it proves in no way the uniqueness of physical human life on this star.
There are people on earth who just simply insist: “Nobody has ever returned from the other side.” This too is idle talk. CHRIST returned! He visually practised the resurrection that applies to everyone. There are millions of people who have seen their departed ones, even if it was only for a few seconds or minutes. These people are simply ignored.
Man doesn’t emerge out of darkness, but out of an animated universe and he returns to this animated universe - more than just once!
Nobody is forced to accept this TRUTH. But refusal doesn’t annul the TRUTH, but it awaits everyone in the universe, with unimaginable reality and severity. …
From the protocol [Eternal truth] – page 49 - 50 |
People believe and believe and …
From the protocol [ Too hot to handle (a hot potato] – page 43 |
… People believe that they only have one life and they cannot see the justice in that. …
From the protocol [Reincarnation and karma] – page 29 |
… The importance, that life continues after this earthly existence is the highest LAW GOD tries to convey to you here on Earth.
From the protocol [Reincarnation and karma] – page 42 |
… Faith without the LAW of REINCARNATION is no faith at all, because it leaves the question of why human beings exist at all and why they make an effort unanswered, particularly as they must die after a relatively short period of time! –
From the protocol [ Too hot to handle (a hot potato] – page 9 |
Mankind has up to now not realised just why it actually lives here on this planet. Every human being lives on this planet not just from the day of their birth until the hour of their demise, but since the terrestrial existence of this mankind and this in a constant cycle of return.
From the protocol [ Too hot to handle (a hot potato] – page 5 |
(Excerpt from: “Historical development / Re-embodiment – an original Christian doctrine)
The question, if there are repeated lives on Earth for the same soul, is openly discussed these days. For the great world-religions (Hinduism, Buddhism), the fact that reincarnation exists, is without question, even if the doctrine has been falsified by saying, man can also incarnate in an animal. According to Christian theology, this is impossible and illogical. As an example, how could the soul of a Nobel Prize winner develop further as a cow?
Modern regression therapy already delivers serious experiments to prove reincarnation, by taking people back to past lives on Earth. The Christian Churches decidedly reject the possibility of different lives on Earth for human beings as heresy. Instead, they proclaim the dogma:
While theologians can give no explanation for the various human existences often thought of as unjust, the doctrine of reincarnation on the other hand gives a meaningful and logic answer:
From the protocol [Reincarnation] – page 58 |
The knowledge about re-embodiment is not just the prerogative of Hindus and Buddhists, but was also common knowledge of all the peoples of the Mediterranean region during antiquity. Therefore, the original Christians would also have been familiar with re-embodiment. Is this correct?
The original Christians were certainly also aware of the doctrine of rebirth. …
From the protocol [Reincarnation and karma] – page 32 |
In the 5th century, reincarnation was still an undisputed fact within the Christian Church. …
From the protocol [Reincarnation] – page 69 |
(Excerpt from: “Historical development / Re-embodiment – an original Christian doctrine)
The doctrine of the re-birth of the soul - a better term might be re-embodiment respectively “restoration” - denounced by the Christian Churches as heresy these days, existed in original Christianity! In spite of all the manipulations carried out on the biblical texts and the scriptures of the Church fathers, references for this doctrine can still be found, even today:
The early Greek Church-fathers, like Gregor of Nyssa, Clemens of Alexandria, Tatian and especially Origen unequivocally advocate the fact of the pre-existence of the soul, of re-birth, of the LAW of KARMA and the return of all to GOD.
During the synod of the Eastern Church in Constantinople (543 A.D.), the doctrine of Origen, who had presented re-birth of the soul in a physical body in a biblically founded system, was rejected under thread of anathema, on purely political grounds, by the orders of Caesar Justinian 1. …
From the protocol [Reincarnation] – page 58 |
(Excerpt from: “Historical development / How the removal of the doctrine of reincarnation came about)
… The synod was for the nearly 3,000 bishops, scattered throughout the whole empire, not binding. This is why a council was called that should ratify the prepared resolutions. Letters of invitations were sent to all bishops and they were worded in such a fashion, that one could hope, that none of the bishops of the Western Church would participate at the council. …
Even the princes of the Church of the Eastern Church didn’t seem to want to accept the invitation. Therefore, it took 10 years (553 A.D.) for the V. general council to get together.
… Under pressure from Caesar, the handful of bishops, representing the whole Church, decided that from then on, the doctrine of reincarnation had to be considered heresy and anyone advocating it, would be damned. …
The lie about the one single life was very opportune for many of the power-hungry princes of the Church. From very early on, the Church lusted after secular power, which wasn’t their’s to have and sold the doctrine of their Lord and Master, so they themselves could play the master. They seized the power. Where earlier, thanks to reincarnation, the reconciliation of all souls with GOD shone blissfully bright, the dogma of eternal damnation ruled with a fist of iron. …
If the Christians had continued to believe in reincarnation, the Church would have been stripped of all secular power. The Hindu and Buddhist “Churches” show this, they never possessed anywhere near such fullness of power. …
From the protocol [Reincarnation] – page 69 - 71 |
(Excerpt from: “Historical development / Re-embodiment – an original Christian doctrine)
… Since that time, the reality of re-birth has disappeared from Church doctrine, and the Church, because it is bound by the decisions of its council, developed and dogmatically secured a completely different doctrine, which runs contrary to the Christian truth. (Original sin, creation of the soul at birth, a singular physical life, eternal Heaven, eternal hell.)
From the protocol [Reincarnation] – page 58 - 59 |
Oral traditions sport a number of proverbs that indicate a vague understanding of cause and effect: “What goes around comes around” or “You make your own luck” or what the poet Novalis expressed: “Do I not choose all my destinies since time immemorial?” We also find hints in regards to the laws of karma in the bible, for instance a sentence by the apostle Paul: Do not be fooled, God will not be mocked, whatever man sows he will reap: (Galatians 6. 7) Does this mean that reincarnation is therefore not purely an idea from the East?
All of these versions contain divine LAWS and they mirror GOD’S TRUTH.
From the protocol [Reincarnation and karma] – page 32 - 33 |
What was the reason for making reincarnation available to human souls?
Well, it is because the CREATOR wanted to expand his absolute justice to include planet Earth. There was therefore no other choice but to make a fresh start in connection with a free will possible for these souls, in spite of some set boundaries.
But because nobody teaches you about reincarnation, there are questions like why a person can live off the fat of the land, while somebody else is ill and can hardly sleep because of his pain. There are innumerable examples of alleged injustices and also many questions of why the CREATOR, who represents LOVE, allows something like that to happen.
From the protocol [Reincarnation and karma] – page 3 |
From the protocol [GOD and his antagonist] – page 71 |
From the protocol [ Too hot to handle (a hot potato] – page 24 |
From the protocol [ Not from this Earth - Part 4] – page 44 - 45 |
Every one of you has already undergone a series of various incarnations. They mainly take place here on this Terra. It is therefore of particular importance that the atrophied positive characteristics and character traits should be trained. …
From the protocol [UFO-Contact I.N.D.] – page 21 |
… Many souls express the wish to prove themselves on Earth, because the Earth is the source, where everyone can find their way and where everyone should prove themselves. Such a trial and walking through deep psychic valleys are essential to reach the higher PLANES. One has to walk through DARKNESS to reach the LIGHT and to be able to recognise the value of free will, to revere, respect and appreciate what the CREATOR has given each soul for their journey.
From the protocol [Life in the spiritual realm] – page 40 |
Is it important to know as much as possible about reincarnation?
It is pretty important to know, that people can and must return to Earth. This presents the possibility to square one’s sins or to reap the harvest of good seeds sown. All of this is the LAW of GOD. Earth, a manner of speaking, is a class in the SCHOOL of DEVELOPMENT of the universe. If you “don’t make the grade” in this class on Earth, you must repeat it once again or even a number of times, until the educational standard has been achieved that is asked for of a particular soul.
From the protocol [Reincarnation] – page 9 |
From the protocol [The souls] – page 8 |
From the protocol [Reincarnation and karma – page 32] |
The Church denotes the reincarnation of the soul a false doctrine. But it was still anchored within the believe system of the early Christians. What are the reasons why this has changed?
Well, the fact that people carried their own responsibility didn’t suit the Church and therefore changes were made, assuring that the Church would always be the relevant authority in regards to GOD and his people. This assured the influence of the Church.
From the protocol [Reincarnation and karma] – page 10 |
Everything connected with this world is very simple – only you complicate it.
From the protocol [Politics, for whom?] – page 98 |
A doctrine that has been destroyed can no longer be taught. This is why the responsible leaders of mankind on this Terra have no idea about the consequences of a reincarnation. The Holy Scriptures do mention man’s responsibility in regards to GOD … - Be assured that you have this responsibility!
It is heart-wrenching to know the kind of consequences politicians and church dignitaries burden themselves with when they consciously trespass against humanity’s laws. Nuclear delinquents and war criminals are not to be envied. They advocate the point of view that they no longer have anything to do with this world, nor with their actions and preparations for actions after their demise.
What a terrible mistake!
From the protocol [UFO-Contact I.N.D.] – page 21 |
From the protocol [Armageddon] – page 37 |
All wars, all weapons, actually the terrible cruelties of mass murder, of starvation and all negative events on Terra are simply and solely the result of this erroneous thought process and the sciences and the churches are to blame for this.
This mistake has calamitously influenced man’s pre-existence!
The incremental material development on this planet has managed to cultivate an unequalled negativity in regards to man’s intuitive thoughts about his pre-existence, something that gives GOD’S antagonist enormous pleasure.
From the protocol [ Too hot to handle (a hot potato] – page 45 |
What this human race lacks is an uncomplicated faith:
From the protocol [ Too hot to handle (a hot potato] – page 44 |
From the protocol [ No utopia] – page 36 |
If it was possible for science to prove the existence of reincarnation, it would mean a giant step for mankind.
Reincarnation has been proven hundreds of years ago, but one ignores the evidence. If one doesn’t like the taste of something, one will not eat it. There are enough cases, where someone remembered details of a previous life. One has taken these people to the very place of their remembrance and they recognised everything, even thou they have never been to that place at all. One cannot prove anything more in this case, one can only accept!
From the protocol [Reincarnation] – page 9 |
As the sciences are not interested in reincarnation, they will also not make any progress in their research into the human society. …
From the protocol [ Too hot to handle (a hot potato] – page 11 |
Would it not constitute a giant step in the right direction, namely to affect changes here, if the sciences were successful in producing evidence in regards to reincarnation?
… there is without doubt already an enormous amount of evidence available and applied to your earthly jurisdiction; it would have condemned every criminal long ago. Evidence only does not seem to have any validity when it comes to reincarnation.
From the protocol [Reincarnation and karma] – page 35 |
Professor Heisenberg has proven that the impossible doesn’t exist! Impossible are all the things that have no explanation. As soon as an explanation is found, the impossible stops to be so and it becomes part of science.
It is exactly the same with reincarnation: Science knows no plausible explanation for this occurrence, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible! Today’s discoveries point towards reincarnation. If one interprets it differently, one finds that it is for the same reasons, that the unusual has always been declared impossible.
Because you can’t see the soul with your own eyes is not proof, that re-embodiment doesn’t exist. The re-embodiment of the soul can readily be observed with infants. You don’t need those cases, where people suddenly remember their environment.
These experiences are not inherited from parents or ancestors. They are one’s own experiences, slumbering in one’s consciousness, but every once in a while a recollection happens, triggering the proper behaviour.
From the protocol [Reincarnation] – page 7 |
An extract from a report (Also published in PsyGrenz - under the theme ”Science”) by Professor Schiebeler: |[The development of human life and early childhood death] – page 3|
Evidence of the re-embodiment hypothesis
It happens that small children, when they start to talk at age 1 ½ to 2, assert that they were actually somebody else, that they had different parents and that they lived somewhere completely different. They initially express themselves quite clumsily and in short sentences, mispronounce words and use gestures to underline what they actually want to say (14, P. 14). The older they get and the more comprehensive they vocabulary grows, the more exact their narrations about their past, sensed curricula vitae become.
These children accurately talk about their past names, the names of their parents and other relatives from their past life’s history including the kind of death they suffered, in pronounced cases. They describe the environment at that time in great detail and often accurately mention the names of places and even streets. …
The American psychiatrist Professor Jan Stevenson, with the help of his colleagues, researched about 200 of such cases and in 1973 published a representative cross section of 20 reports in a second edition (14). He said that the international statistics he establish up to 1973 contained nearly 600 cases that support the hypothesis of reincarnation (14, P. 17). …
For the complete report please click on:
From the protocol [Reincarnation] – page 12 |
… In the bible there are numerous clues that indicate that an incarnation here on Earth is possible through a soul entering a body. The Church actually indicates that the soul leaves the body, but where the soul actually goes it left open. …
From the protocol [Reincarnation and karma] – page 26 |
Reincarnation is the most important fact ever! Without reincarnation, life would have no meaning! The progress and development of the universe happens through reincarnation. Where would all these souls come from that live on Earth? The theologians are not instructed about reincarnation. No wonder they distance themselves from it.
From the protocol [Reincarnation] – page 13 |
Some theologians are well aware that the doctrine of reincarnation would achieve considerably better results, because above everything else, it represents a logical link and fills the gap inserted into the Christian bible, inserted in order to have the authority to wield power over people. Theological circles become ever more anxious, because they are aware of the questions coming from the populace and they are also aware of their own helplessness.
From the protocol [Reincarnation and karma] – page 10 |
Could one say that the Church will only survive if it reintroduces the doctrine of reincarnation into its curriculum?
These religions will experience an inrush of souls and they will rise to the occasion and spread this knowledge. Mankind on Earth is looking for the meaning of life. Your consciousness has expanded, because new VIBRATIONS, new insights and luminous souls have reincarnated on this planet. These (reformed) Churches will them be able to give your human soul the contentment, LOVE and tranquillity your soul hungers for. But in the meantime, more and more people will turn away from religious communities because they are a fossilised remnant from a past that cannot survive here anymore.
From the protocol [Reincarnation and karma] – page 24 |