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HUMAN BEING | Why did he create us?
FAQ - 60 questions about life
Why did GOD create souls in the first place? Was HE tired of being alone?
The SOURCE of LIGHT, the ORIGINAL SOURCE of divine BEING, filled with LOVE and with a great DEVOTEDNESS, released SOURCES of LIGHT in order to give these SOURCES of LIGHT an independent existence in this particular form, because the universe and the cosmos was supposed to be enriched by these SOURCES of LIGHT. Darkness was supposed to give way to light. The release (birth) of individual SPARKS shows the LOVE GOD represents for every single, divine ENERGY ELEMENT. It is a present and a gift that endorses independent existence. Your life, your soul’s existence was made possible through GOD’S LOVE.
From the protocol [Man and the reason of his earthly existence] – page 5 |
… The original idea is to equip the all-encompassing universe with CREATIVE SOULS in order to allow LOVE to grow everywhere.
From the protocol [History of the Earth] - page 4 |
Millions of solar systems make up the divine universe. Man has no concept of the enormous variety of life that forms part of it! But all of this would be meaningless, if man with his soul, were not an observer of this universe through his perceptions, that is to say, through his feelings and his thoughts. However, as he is able to contemplate it, this enormous CREATION turns into something meaningful after all. It was created and configured to benefit man. The whole universe is at the disposal of every human being!
From the protocol [Science, technology and the arts] – page 43 |
… - If you ask someone whether he knows why he lives on Earth, he is unable to answer this question, because the answer isn’t written in any newspaper and not taught at any university. He lacks a judicious basic education in regards to his ELEMENTARY KNOWLEDGE. This basic education must make it clear to him:
From the protocol [Politics, for whom?] – page 34 - 35 |
Human beings are not only found on this Terra.
The whole universe is at their disposal!
The terrestrial existence is only a period of probation with the help of a borrowed instrument, the human physical body that has certainly not yet reached it full maturity. – This is followed by new periods of probation with new assignments and new perspectives, well actually with new borrowed and better developed instruments that demand even more responsibilities and care.
From the protocol [A call from the cosmos] – page 14 |
If man was really created in the image of GOD he would have to be in a position to
be GOD’S equal as a creator. What the FATHER can do is potentially inherent in
his children. Is man supposed to be a creator?
You are creators by giving your children your genes and all the things that are important for these human souls. Associated with this are the divine LAWS, LOVE, gratitude and all the virtues your children bring with them in order to hand them on to their children and on to the souls that come into being in the future. …
… You exist through the history you bring with you, through all your many lives on Earth, your creations which continuously bestow life and which are awakened to new live through the CREATOR. Remember that you are designated to familiarise yourselves and others with the divine LAWS here on Earth.
From the protocol [Genetic research - Addendum 1] – page 7 |
The majority of people are destined to join together as one UNIT and to mutually support one another. This UNIT aims to serve the divine PLAN accordingly and to complete the PLAN of CREATION. -
From the protocol [Eternal truth] – page 10 |
From the protocol [A call from the cosmos] – page 35 |
If GOD is almighty, why did the planned paradise not come into being? – But GOD naturally needs HIS helpers and HIS instruments to achieve this. Even GOD cannot cast HIS spell; respectively change the universe in seconds. Every change is subject to certain LAWS. This is why GOD gave man all the required abilities and gifts so he can change the face of the world on HIS behalf. This has actually happened, but unfortunately not quite according to GOD’S PLAN.
From the protocol [Politics, for whom?] – page 116 |
GOD is naturally interested in something new and better being created all the time. If it turns out good, it will find HIS support. – Man however only measures with small yardsticks. He shows no patience for anything and always wants immediate results. GOD on the other hand has eons at his disposal. CREATION is a long way from being completed. Mankind represents HIS extended ARM. …
Are you telling us that GOD created man to fulfil the role of a valuable co-worker?
A. S.:
Yes, this is correct. This collaboration however stops the moment man begins to turn against CREATION, when he begins to attack it. Once GOD has generally been acknowledged as the highest AUTHORITY, this planet can also turn into a paradise.
From the protocol [Armageddon] – page 27 |
From the protocol [Science, technology and the arts] – page 42 |
It is not a case of one individual rising above the masses to develop his or her auto-dictation capabilities and promoting their individual humanness. No, it includes the masses, the whole human race of a planet, because every human being after all undertakes the same journey towards regions and spheres that await according to one’s personal development.
From the protocol [ Via Terra] – page 19 |
… Remember that you are connected through the LOVE the CREATOR emanates throughout the whole universe and that it represents true LOVE. A LOVE that is incomparable to what you call “love” here amongst you. To evaluate this LOVE is certainly difficult and incomparable to what you make “love” out to be.
From the protocol [Universal Love] – page 8 |
… People must do something good, otherwise they will not find true happiness. One either helps with the set-up and with the advancement of the divine PLAN for planet EARTH or one helps one’s neighbour, one’s brother, one’s sister or some dumb creature. These tasks are so versatile that they will never come to a standstill. Every good deed, every positive action done in the name of GOD and HIS angels eventually shows good returns, namely a remuneration called happiness.
From the protocol [The souls] – page 10 |
Every human being has the right of free self-determination.
Every human being is part of a community that is not restricted to a people or a country, but a community that includes the whole universe.
From the protocol [A call from the cosmos] – page 40 - 41 |
You have been placed on Earth in order to fulfil an assignment. All of you are pilgrims on an eternal journey. You must select your accoutrements for this journey by applying common sense. A big dose of common sense and intelligence guides you.
From the protocol [Our lessons for you] – page 50 |
Why does the development of the human soul implicitly happen in the physical and not within the evolutionary stages of the spiritual realm?
These evolutionary stages are not adequate enough for you to learn and to recognise what you have to recognise. You will not be able to achieve perfection on these evolutionary stages, because there is stagnation and long waiting periods on many of these STAGES.
From the protocol [Man and the reason of his earthly existence] – page 5 |
… Physical worlds were created to provide opportunities for incarnations in order to accelerate the soul’s progress. This is where human beings and other life forms, with their inherent free will, can decide to be either for or against the CREATOR.
From the protocol [Universe and extraterrestrial life] – page 79 |
The planets offer such an enormous educational potential; this is something that is very difficult to achieve in the spiritual realm and something that can only be gained over an extraordinarily long period of time. The reason being that the various levels of development are separated from one another by SPHERES, because not all ENTITIES possess the same level of development. …
From the protocol [Universe and extraterrestrial life] – page 79 |
From the protocol [Man and the reason of his earthly existence] – page 5 |
Their will fails them because most people assume that there is no need for them to endeavour to improve their strength of character.
From the protocol [Our lessons for you] – page 54 |
There are various planets with different types of developments. This is necessary, because maturity cannot be gained from one day to another, it takes many decades and centuries.
From the protocol [SANTINER-Contact 2001 - Part 3] - page 6 |