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HUMAN BEING | How did human beings develop?
FAQ - 60 questions about life
All human beings descend from GOD. The physical body and its development is something completely different. You unfortunately only see the physical. The primary issue here is the soul! Nothing else. - Everything else is illusion.
From the protocol [Man and the reason of his earthly existence] – page 8 |
This has to be taken into consideration at all times, because matter has to be strictly separated from the soul here!
The soul chose its own directions of development, ergo other ways from that of matter.
From the protocol [From star to star] – page 26 |
The individual person remains perpetually an individual, meaning that its soul is immortal.
From the protocol [Your Earth] – page 15 |
All of you were born from one SOURCE and all of you will one day return to this SOURCE. …
From the protocol [Universal Love] – page 8 |
From the protocol [ Not from this Earth - Part 2] – page 8 |
From the protocol [ No utopia] – page 6 |
From the protocol [ Veritas Vincit] – page 28 |
From the protocol [Eternal truth] – page 35 |
… How did man develop on Earth?
When GOD allowed little ENERGY ENTITIES in his IMAGE - I would like to call them BUNDLES of ENERGY - to come into being from within HIM, a REALM was created that has no equal in its vastness and beauty. It is the REALM of the SPIRIT, GOD’S REALM that developed simultaneously.
In this way, GOD could share his ideas with other ENTITIES and at the same time entrust them with the care and the maintenance of HIS IDEAS. These were great ANGELS of LIGHT that stood at the side of the CREATOR. When the WORLD was completed, GOD created more souls in HIS image and they were equipped with similar, but somewhat curtailed powers and their own free will. This brought about the “fall of the angels” later on, or put in more appropriate words, the fall of souls. …
From the protocol [Man and the reason of his earthly existence] – page 3 |
… The biblical “Fall from Grace” is symbolically depicted; the apple embodies GOD’S LAWS and the snake embodies sin.
From the protocol [ Not from this Earth - Part 2] – page 53 |
… Imagine it like this: A long time ago the apostasy from GOD took place. In this way the antagonist converts a part of HIS ENERGY into negative VIBRATIONS. …
From the protocol [Mental blockages] – page 27 |
How was the “fall of angels” even possible, …
You are talking about one ANGEL and he possessed a very high standing within the HIERARCHY of the ARCHANGELS, he was encircled by an ARMOUR of LIGHT and he resided and served within GOD’S highest LEVELS of VIBRATIONS. This radiant ANGEL discovered a CORE that helped him turn away from the proceedings. He proceeded to gather ANGELS around himself in order to establish his own REALM, but in a different way.
The fall of this LIGHT ENERGY led to the splitting of GOD’S REALM and duality came into being. A duality, serving the purpose of allowing the might of dominance and the might of evil to germinate. An apostasy, a turning away from DIVINITY took place with the result that you, as human beings, occupy various LEVELS of DEVELOPMENT and that your renegade soul now finds itself at the beginning of its development. …
From the protocol [Time of death, Guardian Angel and more] – page 14 |
Throughout the ages, GOD tried to help people and to win back HIS children. …
From the protocol [Politics, for whom?] – page 11 |
Matter is of course not something that has appeared throughout the universe by chance. Matter is a divine SUBSTANCE, developed by GOD completely deliberately in order to give mankind a great gift. …
From the protocol [Politics, for whom?] – page 79 |
Matter is an important element; it is here so you can mature as souls. …
From the protocol [Life in the spiritual realm] – page 11 |
… This is why the world you know was created. A world of beauty and full of opportunities. …
From the protocol [Man and the reason of his earthly existence] – page 15 |
The souls that incarnated into matter in order to be trained and to find their way back were called “human souls”. This is how man developed on Earth. …
From the protocol [Man and the reason of his earthly existence] – page 3 |
The SPIRITUAL REALM, now grown to an unimaginable dimension, works on PROJECTS to create the developed matter in the image of the SPIRITUAL REALM. To be able to transform the present matter, the SPIRIT of divine man needs a body, which also is part of matter.
From the protocol [Eternal truth] – page 9 |
From the protocol [From star to star] – page 25 |
It is said that all life emerged from water. Was the Earth covered with water before nature, animals and human beings arrived later on?
Nothing can exist without water - no life the way you know it anyway. In order to allow physical life to develop, water was the prerequisite on this Earth also. Flora and fauna emerged from water and your body has also progressed through the various levels of the animal kingdom to develop to such a degree that a human soul could be concatenated to it.
From the protocol [Universe and extraterrestrial life] – page 16 - 17 |
Professional circles listen attentively when, for the first time, researchers at the Geneva based organisation called CERN were successful in producing anti-hydrogen. Will one find the answer to all the major questions in regards to mankind with the help of high-energy particle accelerators and will this bring new insights into the HISTORY of CREATION?
These scientific researches are particularly important because they direct their insights in the right direction and they open a door that allows the sciences to catch a glimpse of what true CREATION and true SCIENCE is all about. Scientific experiments made you aware of the fact that you emerged from water, that a large part of you is made up of water and that life, the real original history of your existence developed from it. If you had looked into the true background of water and if you had utilised water as an elixir of life and a source of knowledge, you would be many steps further ahead in your progress. But the opposite is the case! You squander and abuse this source of life and you are not aware of the ENERGIES for GROWTH and SUBSTANCES, which maintain the actual viability of your existence, that exist within the element of water.
Probably because they are impossible to measure.
You are presently unable to measure this, but you are quite aware that you cannot exist without water, that your whole environment would simply die off and wither away if the element of water was no longer present. There is a reason for everything, but nobody asks for the reasons. You contaminate and exploit water and you do not realise that by doing so, you cut yourself off from your own ENERGY and your life sources, the things you desperately need to exist at all.
From the protocol [Universe and extraterrestrial life] – page 38 - 39 |
The first, direct analyses of dust particles from the far reaches of space astonished the researchers to begin with: According to the first data available, the majority of these interstellar particles consist of giant molecules. Mixed with liquid water, they can initiate the same chemical process that presented the prerequisite for the formation of life on a much younger Earth. Where such organic, giant molecules the triggers for life on Earth also?
This is the source of your physical existence. Over thousands of years, your physical body has emerged from these elements and you have configured your own development on hand of these insights. You represent a part of the whole! Reassure yourselves that all of you are linked and connected to one another, with the smallest of dust particles, with flowers, with water and with the air. You form a part of the whole with all of these, because you developed from all of this and your bodies still develop from this even now.
From the protocol [Universe and extraterrestrial life] – page 39 |
Were man and soul incarnated on Earth at the same time?
I understand your question to mean that when you say “soul” you mean the divine component and when you say “man” you mean the physical component with an incarnated soul. The physical component had to develop from the animal kingdom to begin with. The brain also had to have a certain size and it had to be able to make certain functions possible in order for a divine soul to be able to utilise the physical body. Only souls are incarnated and the physical body is the soul’s instrument in the physical world.
From the protocol [Man and the reason of his earthly existence] – page 4 |
From the protocol [Eternal truth] – page 35 |
… The question about the development of the human body must be looked at from a different perspective. But remember: Spiritual life existed long before matter came into being!
Existent as pure ENERGY?
Not just as pure ENERGY. The human body, in its astral form, existed before the physical body. This spiritual body served as the pattern for the physical body. This matrix or pattern is indestructible, even then when the Earth doesn’t exist anymore.
From the protocol [Man and the reason of his earthly existence] – page 4 |
The ORIGINAL INFORMATION is contained within stem cells. One could also say that the MATRIX from the spiritual realm for the construction of the physical body is contained within it in its purest form. These cells emanate a very intensive, pure and spiritual LIGHT, that is to say, they are full of divine VITAL ENERGY ready to begin their assignment on Earth. …
From the protocol [Genetic research] – page 45 |
It says in the bible that GOD formed man out of clay, then breathed life into him and created a companion for him out of one of his ribs. How much of this can be believe?
A. S.:
Man, as well as all other life forms, is created out of physical matter. Man’s formation was effected according to a very specific model. This model, present like a blueprint, is the soul with its spirit body.
From the protocol [Armageddon] – page 28 |
But it was once said that higher life forms were materialised.
The first human beings certainly. Their shape, their stature, had to be created first. GOD didn’t create it from clay, but they were built from individual molecule particles. Everything runs according to a DEVELOPMENTAL PLAN, similar to the way you build a house or the way you try to appear and assess yourselves. You are the expression of individual organs that were assembled by a HIGHER AUTHORITY.
From the protocol [Universe and extraterrestrial life] – page 39 |
From the protocol [Extraterrestrial life] – page 10 |
… it was akin to an evolutionary leap forward. …
In its functionality and its life style, the body was adapted to the conditions that prevailed at that time. It was a higher spiritual form that took up its development here on Earth.
From the protocol [Extraterrestrial life] – page 10 |
From the protocol [From star to star] – page 26 |
Our sciences can’t explain the many facets of CREATION, or how it all developed. Do you, the SANTINER know this?
A. S.:
The many facet of animated creation, which includes fauna and flora, developed roughly at the same time, meaning that all forms appeared simultaneously. These are forms that have existed on other planets for a long time.
There was a period of time of about half a million years during the developing stage of the Earth, whilst acid and steam escaped from the ground, that was suitable for organic materialisations. The all-important protein cells developed within this time frame.
All the animals were created in their absolute forms, build according to the spiritual models. Completed tortoises and other life forms developed. But these animals were engineered to reproduce. They had reproductive organs and that meant that direct materialisations would not take place anymore on this Terra during the following epoch. Earth has reached a stage of development these days, where such materialisations are hardly possible any more, they can now only take place in the microcosm.
But when Earth enjoyed the best epoch of possible materialisations, very large creatures developed also. Only later on did smaller and smaller creatures appear, until they were only possible in the microcosm. This period of time hasn’t been completed. Therefore, new bacteria, viruses and insects can still develop.
From the protocol [The SANTINER] – page 90 |
From the protocol [From star to star] – page 26 |
The representation of the tree of life, the apple and the snake are human fantasies in the framework of a symbolic philosophy. …
From the protocol [Eternal truth] – page 9 |
This planet was certainly not occupied by one single pair of human beings. Therefore, forget this nonsensical story of Adam and Eve as such a concept will only confuse the issue.
From the protocol [From star to star] – page 26 |
Who was created first, man or woman?
The first human beings were materialised and they were androgynous. The male and female components were combined within a human sheath. The separation of these two different but complementing ENERGIES took place later.
Did this bi-sexuality have something to do with duality or with reproduction?
Well, as you are well aware that reproduction in a genderless state can take place. But a sexual union could not take place in an asexual state. This happened later on and this through the influence of the divine PLAN and during the course of the evolutionary process.
If one is born a woman one also has the male aspect within, but the female aspect dominates. According to Far-Eastern philosophy, one ought to harmonise the Yin and Yang. How can we do this?
Every soul receives the opportunity to experience its male and female aspect, but this can only take place separately. This development was provided for by the CREATOR.
I don’t understand this. What was the sense in separating the sexes, if procreation and new incarnations were also possible in an androgynous state?
Quite simply because souls could not experience their male and female aspects in an androgynous state. In regards to procreation, the respective entity mentally selected the process and set it in motion. Modern man, respectively a couple plans procreation, the difference being that it takes two bodies these days.
Why was it so important to GOD to incorporate this separation into the evolutionary process?
Because we’re dealing with two different FORMS of ENERGY and they are supposed to develop and completely unfold along separate lines in order to reunite strengthened at a later point in time.
Does GOD comprise both ENERGY POLARITIES, the male and female aspect?
Yes, that’s the way it is.
From the protocol [Man and the reason of his earthly existence] – page 7 |