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HUMAN BEING | What are human beings?
FAQ - 60 questions about life
To the question of a newspaper journalist, “Is the genetic alphabet just a series of bio-chemical molecules or a kind of code from GOD?” the boss of the International Gene Projects said:
“To have this text in front of you and to see how elegant the system of recording information is built up is very inspirational. To decipher this script wasn’t just a scientific, but also a spiritual experience. But even if we end up understanding the sequence, many aspects of what it means to be a human being will remain incomprehensible. We are not just mechanical beings: And this is why we shouldn’t utilise this discovery to end up looking at ourselves as mechanical objects.”
This man seems to have comprehended more than many of his colleagues. What is your opinion on this?
I find it difficult to add anything to these words, because it is the meaning of these words that are important when it comes to helping you comprehend your own life form.
From the protocol [Genetic research] – page 39 |
Well, there is not one single higher being on the whole Earth than man. He has the gift of being able to comprehend creation in all its complexity. With his mind and his senses, he is able to grasp everything he is surrounded by.
However, the Earth does not represent all of creation, it is only a part of an immeasurably enormous GRAND CREATION. This places man not just on this planet, but smack in the middle of a huge universe. He is made up of two parts, namely of matter and of the cosmos. Without the cosmic part, man would just be a lump of flesh. When man dies on Earth, his cosmic part leaves the physical body and only his flesh remains on Earth whilst the cosmic part remains in the cosmos, which is its actual home, its original home. Man has not yet grasped this fact. He searches in all directions, but he only reluctantly dares to deal with the divine REGIONS.
From the protocol [GOD and his antagonist] – page 20 |
From the protocol [UFO-Contact I.N.D.] – page 13 |
Your sciences regard life as being the fluid condition of the body. But as they discovered the fluidness of atoms, you are nowadays of the opinion that organic life is a condition that equates with your metabolism.
The mistake you make is: That life is inseparably connected to this metabolism. Once the metabolism stops, life comes to an end. …
One further mistake consist of: That your sciences assume that life is limited by time. – …
The denotation “life” does actually describe a condition. This condition is perpetual, that is to say, it never ends. GOD is perpetual – and as man is a part of this condition, man is also immortal. …
… A physical body on its own cannot live at all, it can only move. …
When such a body is animated, it receives a perpetual individuality, that is to say, a living soul. Religion speaks about GOD’S ODEM. Life is given an organic instrument at its disposal. Life controls this instrument for as long as it is usable. …
Whereby you never see life itself, you never see the ENERGY, only the movements of the body, respectively the movement of its parts and limbs. The physical movement ceases after death, but the ENERGY remains, the difference being that it can no longer animate a physical organism. A dead, no longer serviceable body is no longer animated, only the atoms that constitute its physical make-up continue to move and change. …
Your mistake consists in assuming that the soul can no longer continue to exist after the demise of the body.
Every soul continues to exist after its disembodiment, because it still possesses the same life as before its embodiment. This perpetual LIFE FORCE is the non-transferable property of spiritual man. The spiritually perpetual MAN represents life at the same time. …
The fact that the sciences never gained a clear insight into this is because they allowed themselves to be duped by the functions of physical matter. Empirical medical science does not come up with a theory or a relevant explanation for fantasy or spiritual planning, even less so for ingenuity, in spite of this deceptive theory. But one has the impudence to say that man is a caprice of nature. Not GOD, but blind coincidence is supposed to have created man. All terrestrial university sciences endorse the invisible faculty of atheism with its doctrine of eternal death.
From the protocol [UFO-Contact I.N.D.] – page 11 - 14 |
There is no doubt that there is VITALITY. Life only exists because there is a FORCE that supplies ENERGY, which in turn represents a dynamic. Nobody from your world can explain the kind of FORCE it represents. This FORCE is beyond any testing by scientific instruments, chemical analyses or physical investigations. There is death - the way you see it - and there is life.
The grave cannot touch the spirit at all. The crematory fire can never destroy the spirit. There is nothing on the whole wide world that could extinguish the eternal spirit. …
From the protocol [Death sets no limits] – page 5 |
You are spirit within a human body and not a physical body with a bit of spirit. That’s the difference! Spirit entities and ENERGY go hand in hand, but these ENERGIES flow through matter like through a sieve. Try to contain water in a sieve… you know what happens. The same thing happens to ethereal ENERGIES, they flow through the coarse sieve of your physical body and this is why your sciences cannot measure them. The opinions of many of these people are irrelevant, because they are not interested in ETHEREAL MATTER.
From the protocol [Telepathy] – page 43 - 44 |
The fact is that you are able to exist at all through this LOVE of the CREATOR. HE sends this FORCE to HIS CREATION and this FORCE is received everywhere. But the instruments of reception are often attuned to HIS antagonist and this is when this relatively extensive flow of LIFE FORCE is reduced to a mere trickle for these people. …
But this mere trickle will not completely abate. If this would happen, you would die in body and soul. You would be dissolved and that is impossible.
From the protocol [Universal Love] – page 3 |
No single being would exist if it were nor created by GOD’S LOVE. No human being could live on Earth, if he or she wasn’t sustained by GOD’S LOVE. One talks of a LIFE FORCE, of biological insights and laws. But they are merely poor periphrases, because life, the immortality of the soul, the abilities of one’s consciousness etc. are all things that originate from divine LOVE.
From the protocol [Love and emancipation] – page 7 |
From the protocol [Eternal truth] – page 35 |
… Every living thing carries a divine SPARK, an ineffaceable CENTRE of BEING within. If there was no divine SOUL, no SPARK of LIFE, there would also be no GOD and without GOD, no creation, therefore nothing would exist. The divine SPARK within man is especially strong, it will not allow man to rest and expresses itself as an enormous feeling of love, longing and the search for eternal bliss.
From the protocol [Bringing up children] – page 11 |
… the divine SPARK is the GIVER of LIFE. It gives all of you your ENERGY of LIFE. Compare this SPARK to one of your broadcast receiver which has to be tuned to a specific station, so you can hear something. The divine SPARK is permanently tuned to the FREQUENCY of GOD and receives from there the ENERGY. This SPARK is a part of HIM. One tends to forget this. - The human mind has no influence on this SETTING. But the mind can prevent the necessary amount of this ENERGY of LIFE from reaching your physical body - and if this happens, psychosomatic problems and illnesses appear.
From the protocol [Mental blockages] – page 72 - 73 |
… You know that everything constitutes a oneness. Man is a unit, consisting of a body, spirit and soul and this is why all of these components influence one another reciprocatively.
From the protocol [Mental blockages] – page 35 |
From the protocol [Telepathy] – page 78 |
From the protocol [From star to star] – page 21 |
From the protocol [ Via Terra] – page 23 |
This makes GOD a CREATOR of the HIGHEST ORDER and man also a creator of many things that are produced from the physical matter and from the vibrations the universe provides him with.
From the protocol [GOD and his antagonist] – page 65 |
As the majority of people on Earth believe that the human soul is a physical product, many scientists seriously pursue their research based on this erroneous assumption. But this is the wrong way and it leads to absolute aberrations. The thought processes of these researchers are wrong, because they are based on a preconception that has managed to gain a solid foothold over thousands of years.
From the protocol [Science, technology and the arts] – page 50 |
The medical fraternity fall prey to a whole series of deceptions. They therefore assume that one’s consciousness is located within the human brain; they believe that the brain gives rise to all thoughts and that it registers and stores all perceptions.
This however is a dangerous aberration! …
… Researchers verifying that the opposite is true, namely that man has an astral soul, are viciously attacked and dismissed in a most unfair way. I will select just one crass example of a medical contortion:
The broader masses within nations assume that a scientist with a doctor’s degree is, based on his academic education, is able to think more logically and more reliably than your average citizen.
This is another world wide mistake that has dire consequences.
[1] Soviet experiments have verified that human thoughts exhibit no trace of magnetism or electricity. They penetrate any type of shield and do not display any physical characteristics.
From the protocol [ No utopia] – page 11 - 12 |
RECORDINGS endure for an unimaginably long time so that these ordered VIBRATIONS can be traced and located on a specific FREQUENCY.
From the protocol [Science, technology and the arts] – page 50 |
If your brain had to stack all these impressions within its cells, all of mankind would walk around with heads the size of hot ait balloons instead of a normal sized head; well balloons of that size would not even be large enough. But believe me, this “BALLOON” really does exist:
From the protocol [Science, technology and the arts] – page 49 |
This is how this process takes place:
A baby cries for the very first time. This cry immediately becomes its first personal experience and is permanently recorded within the personal soul-cosmos that represents a FREQUENCY within the universe. These VIBRATIONS are not established within the brain, they do not record an engram. There is however such an intimate correspondence between the soul and brain that man’s consciousness cannot do without the assistance of the brain whilst one is still physically alive.
From the protocol [To all and sundry] – page 8 - 9 |
Science has undertaken many expensive experiments with mice and rats in order to explore memory. One believes to have solved the mystery. One mentions a so-called “powder of knowledge” of the brain and assumes, again on false premises, that all thought activities are chemical processes.
From the protocol [Science, technology and the arts] – page 50 |
This enormous fact has duped the serious research scientist up to now. He had to assume that the processes of converting thought into movement take place within the brain. The reality is that we are simply dealing with “reproduction” of the spirit within the brain.
From the protocol [Science, technology and the arts] – page 48 |
From the protocol [Science, technology and the arts] – page 50 and 51 |
Therein lays the cardinal mistake!
From the protocol [A call from the cosmos] – page 24 |
Let’s assume that somebody has an accident and that a part of the brain is damaged in this accident. This could result in blindness or loss of hearing. It wouldn’t change his thought processes, only his physical perceptions. What can also happen is that a part of his brain is no longer able to calculate. The spirit can, it doesn’t forfeit its psychic abilities, but he is no longer able to do calculations, because he is fettered to his physical condition the way a driver cannot drive his car because it suffered a breakdown. The ability to drive a car remains, but not with this car.
For as long as the soul is enmeshed with the brain, it is self-evidently not able to act independently, but it has to rely on the co-operation of the body; it cannot hear or see for instance if these organs do not convey their impressions through the brain to the soul.
From the protocol [Science, technology and the arts] – page 53 and 54 |
From the protocol [ Not from this Earth - Part 4] – page 46 |