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EARTH | Climate - how it eventuates?
FAQ - 60 questions about life
The climate results from different reactions that arise in sequence. This interrelates with the earth’s rotation, with the impulses nature sends through the plants, the rivers that flow along certain meridians. All of these are IMPULSES which affect the HEARTBEAT OF EARTH. You call it „climate“.
Where do the climatic zones on earth come from?
Climatic zones represent different regions that formed in ancient times, controlled by the centre of the Earth and the „climate“, in quotation marks, above the earth. You underestimate what is inside your earth! …
Aren't climate and weather directly connected with one another?
The weather represents one part of the climate.
From the protocol [World climate] – page 3 |
During a conference, climate scientists spoke of the beginning of a fundamental climatic change brought on by the greenhouse effect and warned of global warming of historical proportions. A realistic forecast?
This forecast is quite realistic, since certain poles have already shifted and warming processes have occurred in the interior of the earth.
Could it be that these changes have been set in motion by natural climatic fluctuations which have always been there, activated by an accumulation or a reduction of sun spots?
No, this is not a periodical repetition of recurring climatic and natural changes. These are the consequences of the destruction of the planet and its meridians and arteries. It is like you have been burnt, and the wound results in an inflammation of the skin that spreads and grows. The pain will last for quite some time before the wound starts to scar over.
From the protocol [World climate] – page 2 - 3 |
A conference on the Earth’s climate is presently in progress in The Hague. Many people with serious concerns about the planet’s future doubt that the global warming caused by man can be stopped. How do you see this?
This is a very critical problem, because the melt off of the Polar Regions and a heating of the Earth’s inner core has already begun. The climatic changes have also emerged from the inner commotions of your Earth. We cannot tell you whether it will be possible to check or to stop this avalanche that has already begun.
Could planet Earth be saved, if the industrialised nations would take immediate measures?
This is only a piece of the whole puzzle. The causes are found on various planes and in various areas: We can begin by looking at the industrialisation and the industries here on Earth. We can conclude our observations by looking at your destructive thought processes. And there is a whole series of other causes in between and they all make their contribution. You drill considerable windows into the earth, brought about through drilling and blasting. The Earth’s equilibrium loses its balance.
Newspaper reports encouraged all industrialised nations to take the protection of the environment serious and this as early as 1990. But most of them blow even more CO2 into the atmosphere than in the past. There is little indication that their economic decisions are now orientated more on ecological criteria. Do you see this differently?
We can confirm this, because out of the recesses of their greed, people are primarily guided by profits. Man will only awaken to what is going on when it affects him personally.
From the protocol [SANTINER-Contact 2000] - page 8 - 9 |
Another iceberg has separated from Antarctica, this time the size of the island of Mallorca. Will this have an effect on planet Earth?
Not to begin with at first, because this iceberg floats on the surface. But the question is: Why did this happen? If one answers this truthfully0, the only question that remains is: What can one do? - We observe this development on the Polar Regions, because both poles are affected. But one still behaves as if this didn’t have anything to do with mankind. This is a mistake!
What does this mean?
It means that the Earth’s climate is undergoing a change due to the way you polluted the atmosphere over the past decades and the fallout from that will give you many a headache. Only a few people on Earth have recognised the signs and they argument correctly. But their argumentations fall on deaf ears in the face of all the corruption, avarice and demand for power. As you often say, “After me the deluge”. But I warn you forcefully! I do not want to alarm you, that is not my intention, but the TRUTH must be expressed! After all, we are here to help you understand.
From the protocol [Universe and extraterrestrial life] – page 49 |
Can you tell us something about the powerful eruption of Etna in Sicily?
You will experience even more unrest on this planet, triggered by the destruction your exploitations inflict upon the Earth. It isn’t just the negative thought processes that manifest here. The disregard shown Mother Nature over many years brought about aberrations within the development and malfunctions within all lifecycles. Mother Nature on Earth is blocked or destroyed in many areas and this is the only way it can express its pains and sadness. Mother Nature will continue to react and you will experience a change within the vegetation here on Earth.
What does that mean?
This entails that climatic changes will move ahead, that the balance between the seasons will change so that you will no longer experience the clear outlines between the four seasons. A mixing up of these four elements will take place.
From the protocol [World climate - Addendum] – page 2 |