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EARTH | Development - where to?
FAQ - 60 questions about life
65 million years ago, the gigantic dinosaurs, which had reigned on Earth for nearly 160 million years, disappeared. Many varieties of plants and animals, in the water and on land, also died. What was the cause for this mass extinction?
The cause for this was that fact that a new age was heralded, adding another step in the HISTORY of CREATION, allowing the evolution of the human soul to progress. An external, physical effect caused this here on Earth.
What influence did this catastrophe exert on the evolution and the development of human beings?
It enabled the development of human beings to proceed. The space needed by these enormous dinosaurs is now utilised by others.
Were many catastrophes stopping the development on Earth in order to redirect it in other directions?
It is akin to a link in a chain that is added whenever a link disappears and two new links are added.
Were these interruptions within the development discovered by scientist always the result of cosmic influences?
Influences here on this Earth in regards to evolution and changes always take place due to external influences.
From the protocol [History of the Earth] - page 4 - 5 |
Does our planet rate amongst the more highly developed planets?
Terra doesn’t occupy the lowest level, but its human race rates still amongst the more underdeveloped humanities of the universe. All the many wars verify this. The fact that a well-developed planet like Terra, harbouring a humanity that is in principle quite intelligent, particularly the Western nations, still occupies a relatively low spiritual standing, is incredible. Or do you think that your wars, your armament and your animosities could be regarded cultural? – You are reasonably mature from a technical point of view, but you are still way behind in a spiritual sense.
From the protocol [ Messengers of the future] – page 41 |
Is there a parallel development of Earth in regards to other planets out there in the cosmos?
Unfortunately, not. The Earth is one of the lowest centres in the LORD’S universe. It would have been desirable, but the Earth’s inhabitant’s free will decided against it and all that remained for you was a life of suffering and despair, influenced by the antagonist.
From the protocol [History of the Earth] - page 3 |
Terrestrial progress can only take place little by little, because terrestrial laws are mainly based on negative assessments and aberrations. Erroneous knowledge naturally produces an erroneous assessment.
From the protocol [Your Earth] – page 14 - 15 |
Are there similar planets to Earth?
Yes, there are other planets with a similar level of development to that of the Earth. But we know of no other planet that has such a strong relationship with GOD’S antagonist than the Earth. - Unfortunately!
From the protocol [History of the Earth] - page 3 |
How many levels of development are there in our planetary sector and how many of these do we, as human beings, have to absolve before we can exist without a physical body?
Besides you, there is a whole series of other beings incarnated on planets in order to fulfil their mission. Your Earth is a planet of redemption, occupying a special status and it cannot be compared to other levels of development of a more ethereal nature. Your Earth is in fact a pretty solid and dark level. The number of developmental stages depends on the number of characters on your planet. This gives you a rough overview.
From the protocol [Universe and extraterrestrial life] – page 12 |
Can paradisiacal conditions ever reign on Earth? - Planet Earth would then no longer be a redeeming planet.
The Earth also undergoes its own development. The Earth’s aim is not to function as a redeeming planet for ever, the development of the Earth will continue to a point where sometime in the distant future, it will be capable of permanently accommodating ethereal beings. The Earth is a living being, one that also experiences evolution and will continue to do so. The Earth is also one of GOD’S creatures, ready to undergo a conversion and ready to promote new life.
From the protocol [SANTINER-Contact 2004] – page 24 |
… Earth is one of the most beautiful planets in the universe; therefore no one has cause for quarrel. If humanity would steer more towards the positive, it could make a paradise out of this star.
From the protocol [Reincarnation] – page 39 |
We were told that there are higher forms of life than on Earth on other planets. What has the divine PLANNING in store for these planets? …
The Earth will also continue to develop. Its path has been ordained, the way is has been and the way it is with already higher developed planets. We are always talking about the spiritual EVOLUTION here! - An enhancement of the LEVELS of VIBRATIONS will take place, the way it has been taking place for a number of decades, in your case. These LEVELS continue into eternity. There is no end in sight in regards to this development. …
What will happen to planet Earth once the development of the human soul has developed to such a degree that the WHEEL of LIFE (KARMA), has been broken through?
The Earth, with all the things that live and blossom on it, will be raised to a higher LEVEL of VIBRATION. Meaning that the planet will continue to exist, but this enhanced existence, brought about by the higher FREQUENCY, will be invisible to the physical eye and to physical instruments. The planet doesn’t dissolve, but it changes to higher CONDITIONS of VIBRATIONS.
From the protocol [History of the Earth] - page 2 - 3 |